PEEK Filament
Polyether ether ketone, or PEEK, is one of the highest performing polymer plastics available. This high-purity and high-temperature polymer has excellent dielectric properties, a very low coefficient of friction, and withstands the most rigorous physical and mechanical stresses.

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PEEK Filament

Polyether ether ketone, or PEEK, is one of the highest performing polymer plastics available. This high-purity and high-temperature polymer has excellent dielectric properties, a very low coefficient of friction, and withstands the most rigorous physical and mechanical stresses.

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Certificate & Compliance
Main Advantages of PEEK Filament

Good wearing performance with or without load

High service temperature (long term 260℃)

Good mechanical strength

Good chemical resistance & Hydrosis resistance

FDA approved

  • PEEK5600G

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  • PEEK5600CF30

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  • PEEK5600LF30

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  • PEEK5600GF30

    Mit ausgezeichneter Verschleißfestigkeit...

PEEK Filament Application Industries
  • Aerospace

  • Food

  • Mechanics

  • Medicine

  • Oil and gas

  • Semiconductors

PEEK Filament Typical Data
DensityISO 1138g/cm31,3 ± 0,01
Water Absorption (25℃.24Hrs)ISO 62-0,05%
Melting temperatureISO 11357343
Distortion TemperatureISO 75-1/-2260
Continuous service TemperatureUL 74685260
Thermal expansion coefficientASTM D696/K4,7*10-6
Tensile Strength (23℃)ISO 527Mpa100
Tensile modulus (23℃)ISO 527Gpa3,8
Tensile Elongation (23℃)ISO 527-27%
Bending Strength (23℃)ISO 178Mpa163
Bending Modulus (23℃)ISO 178Gpa3,5
Impact Strength(23℃)ISO 604Mpa123
Lzod Impact Strength (No notched)ISO 180/uKJ/m²No Break
Poisson RatioISO 527-2-0,4
Rockwell HardnessGB3398.2-118
FlammabilityUL 94 (1,5 mm)-V-0
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243-1KV/mm18
Dielectric constantIEC 60250-3,2
Thermal ConductivityISO 22007W/(m · k)0,28
Surface ResistanceIEC 90093Ω10^15
PEEK Filament Stock Program
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