PEEK sheet (plate) is a standard shape that JUNDE produces, PEEK sheet(plate) is widely needed in many industries especially semi-conductor industry.



PEEK sheet (plate) is a standard shape that JUNDE produces, PEEK sheet(plate) is widely needed in many industries especially semi-conductor industry.

PEEK is a high-performance thermoplastic that is tough, durable, firm, and creep resistant. It offers excellent thermal, chemical, and hydrolysis resistance as well as excellent resistance to abrasion and dynamic fatigue. Its ability to run at high continuous temperatures up to (250º C) without permanent property degradation along with stable electrical properties makes PEEK an excellent alternative to fluoropolymers in aggressive environments. PEEK has also been shown to exhibit very low smoke and toxic gas emission when exposed to flame.

JUNDE produces PEEK sheet (plate) by extrusion or compress molding. Our extruded PEEK sheet (plate) has the biggest width in the world which is 1250mm.

PEEK Natural, PEEK Black, 30% Glass fiber filled PEEK, 30% Carbon fiber filled PEEK, and bearing grade PEEK(10% PTFE,10% Carbon fiber,10% Graphite,70% PEEK), these 5 most widely used grade are also available in PEEK sheets (plates).

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Certificate & Compliance
Main Advantages of PEEK Sheet

Good wearing performance with or without load

High service temperature (long term 260℃)

Good mechanical strength

Good chemical resistance & Hydrosis resistance

FDA approved

  • PEEK5600G

    Ausgezeichnete Verarbeitbarkeit und ...

  • PEEK5600CF30

    Hochfest und hoher Modul, geeignet für ...

  • PEEK5600LF30

    Kohlefaserverstärkte Einblicke mit ...

  • PEEK5600GF30

    Mit ausgezeichneter Verschleißfestigkeit...

PEEK Sheet Application Industries
  • Aerospace

  • Food

  • Mechanics

  • Medicine

  • Oil and gas

  • Semiconductors

PEEK Sheet Typical Data
DensityISO 1138g/cm31,3 ± 0,011,4±0,031,5±0,011,44±0,05
Water Absorption (25℃.24Hrs)ISO 62-0,05%0,05%0,05%0,05%
Melting temperatureISO 11357343343343343
Distortion TemperatureISO 75-1/-2260315315315
Continuous service TemperatureUL 74685260260260260
Thermal expansion coefficientASTM D696/K4,7*10-61,5*10-62,2*10-62,4*10-6
Tensile Strength (23 ℃)ISO 527Mpa10012511070
Tensile modulus (23 ℃)ISO 527Gpa3,89,37,94
Tensile Elongation (23 ℃)ISO 527-27%2,50%3,50%2,50%
Bending Strength (23 ℃)ISO 178Mpa163271214100
Bending Modulus (23 ℃)ISO 178Gpa3,59,17,54
Impact Strength (23 ℃)ISO 604Mpa123196142135
Lzod Impact Strength (No notched)ISO 180/uKJ/m²No Break384126
Poisson RatioISO 527-2-0,40,350,350,35
Rockwell HardnessGB3398.2-118123122120
FlammabilityUL 94 (1,5 mm)-V-0V-0V-0V-0
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243-1KV/mm18-17-
Dielectric constantIEC 60250-3,2-3,4-
Thermal ConductivityISO 22007W/(m · k)0,280,950,310,86
Surface ResistanceIEC 90093Ω10^1510^510^1510^5
PEEK Sheet Stock Program
Thickness (mm)Thickness ToleranceFromatPEEK5600G Weight per 1000mm(kg)
1-0 ,+0,1650*1000/30000,96
2-0 ,+0,2650*1000/30001,83
3-0 ,+0,2650*1000/30002,78
4-0 ,+0,3650*1000/30003,74
5-0 ,+0,81250*1000/30008,8
6-0 ,+0,81250*1000/300011,28
8-0 ,+0,81250*1000/300014,3
10-0 ,+11250*1000/300017,9
12-0 ,+11250*1000/300021,4
15-0 ,+11250*1000/300026,28
16-0 ,+11250*1000/300028,3
18-0 ,+11250*1000/300031,34
20-0 ,+1,21250*1000/300035,3
22-0 ,+1,21250*1000/300038,4
25-0 ,+1,21250*1000/300043,8
28-0 ,+1,21250*1000/300048,5
30-0 ,+1,51250*1000/300052,3
35-0 ,+1,51250*1000/300060,65
40-0 ,+21250*1000/300069,3
45-0 ,+21250*1000/300078,35
50-0 ,+31250*1000/300087,6
55-0 ,+31250*1000/300096,1
60-0 ,+31250*1000/3000104,4
70-0 ,+31250*1000/3000121,3
80-0 ,+31250*1000/3000138,9
90-0 ,+31250*1000/3000155,8
100-0 ,+41250*1000/3000174,4
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